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Welcome to the Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics" (W1214)

The Doctoral Program (DK, in short for the German name Doktoratskolleg) "Computational Mathematics" (W1214) is a special effort of seven institutes (six of the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) and one (RICAM) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences). DKs are excellence programs of the Austrian Science Funds (FWF). The general goal of our Doctoral Program is a combined PhD education in numerical analysis and symbolic computation.  The DK started on October 1, 2008, and after the maximum duration of four funding periods, a phasing-out period was granted until June 30, 2022. Until December 31, 2017, the director was Peter Paule (RISC). His successor is Veronika Pillwein (RISC).

The participating institutes are:


DirectorDeputy DirectorStaff Assistant
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Veronika Pillwein Prof. Dr. Bert Jüttler Petra Schiefermüller, MA
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation Institute of Applied Geometry Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics"

Tel.: ++43 (0) 732/2468-9956 or 6840

Tel.: ++43 (0) 732/2468-4081

Tel.: ++43 (0) 732/2468-6840


Sponsors of the Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics" (W1214):
fwf-logo.jpg JKU Logo Logo LAND OOE klein
FWF Homepage JKU Homepage Land OOE Homepage



More information about the Doctoral Program can be found in the General Overview section of this site.