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Reconstruction of surfaces from given contours and silhouettes

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Jan Vrsek (University of West Bohemia), 19 September 2017, 10:15 a.m., S2 416-1
When Sep 19, 2017
from 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM
Where S2 416-1
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Reconstruction of surfaces from given contours and silhouettes

We study a problem of the reconstruction of an algebraic surface from a finite collection of curves. Naturally, we cannot expect meaningful answer, unless we restrict to special class of curves and/or surface. Recall that a contour curve with respect to a certain viewpoint is a set of points of a surface whose tangent plane contains the viewpoint. The silhouette is then a projection of a contour from this point into some plane. Hence we can imagine a silhouette as a boundary of shadow of the surface with light-source at the viewpoint and the reconstruction of a surface from given silhouettes is a typical problem from descriptive geometry. In first part of the talk we will provide a method for reconstruction of a smooth surfaces in P^3 and we will partially answer the question how many contours/silhouettes are needed to determine a surface uniquely. While the second part will be devoted to a rational ruled surfaces - which form a special class of surfaces with rational contour curves.